1.One-component, acetoxy cure, easy to use
2.Fast curing rate
3.Excellent weatherproofing ability
4.Long term durability in a range of general purposeapplication
5.Available in transparent, black, and white. Other colorsavailable upon request.
1 .Window and door glass glazing
2. Joint seal for interior/ exterior decoration glass
3.Joint seal for glass, ceramics, aluminum alloy, plastics,wood, etc.
1. Cannot be used as structural silicone sealant.
2.This product is acidic curing, corrosive to concrete,porous stone, zinc, and iron materials.
3. After sealant application, it is not suitable tocompletely isolate the air before the sealant is cured.
4.Not suitable to be used on the surface of buildingmaterials that ooze grease, plasticizers and other liquidorganic materials.
5. Not suitable to use for interfaces buried in the groundand immersion in water for a long-term.
6. Not suitable for bonding and sealing of gusset doorsand windows.

PACKAGING: 280ml/ 300ml plastic cartridge
500ml/ 590ml sausage
SHELFLIFE: 10months